Skills and strategies for communication with impact

 Non ouvert en 2023 2024

Responsable : Parmine Dubois

Durée : 12h

Modalités : formation en présentiel 

Capacité : 10

Cette formation est obligatoire : non

Pré-requis : intermediate / upper Intermediate level in English


Course description


This course aims to provide communication skills training for students wishing to develop
their public speaking, impactful presentations, and persuasive influence. We shall focus on a
communication strategy called the Pyramid Principle which helps formulate your message
clearly and deliver a presentation with the right impact. Our training system is a mix of theory
and practice with simple strategies and techniques that you can use for effective

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

– Apply communication strategies and techniques to create impactful presentations
– Present complex concepts clearly – even to non-experts
– Use storytelling for extra impact
– Improve and master nonverbal communication skills
– Engage and influence their audience